So at my church there was a bunch of us playing a game called '5 Seconds' which if you have ever played it, you know that it is a highly intense game of which no nerd can truly find themselves uncompetitive whilst playing. My competitive streak being more evolved than most, and extra strong in force at the time, I was not about to be beaten especially upon the topic at hand.
~~~Name 3 superheroes in under 5 seconds.~~~
As I recall it, there were two or three people ahead of me, and none but one of them had any idea of anything superhero related. So the guy closest to me, the only one with any superhero knowledge, was about to take his shot at naming 3 in 5. I don't remember the 3 he named exactly, but it was something like, "Superman. Batman. Robin."
Competitive and well equipped with normally completely useless nerdy knowledge, I immediately piped up in defense of the commonly acknowledged differentiation between a sidekick and a superhero. I gallantly stood behind the not-so-selfless defense that if he had said Nightwing (whom we all know to be the grown-up Robin, Batman's sidekick, as his superhero alter-ego) that he would have totally earned the point and won the challenge, but since he said Robin he had obviously lost the round and it was my turn. In the end, after a few minutes of heated debate, (good to mention: I did feel a little sorry for my opposition as they were ill-equipped to fight such a formidable foe as I, but then I didn't feel sorry enough to not win) I won the debate.
Where the "nerd epic fail moment" occurred was directly following my victory in the Sidekick ~OR~ Superhero debate. It was my turn, and I had only 5 seconds to name 3 superheroes that had not been previously named during the course of the game. I had rehearsed my answer over and over and over again in my head during the debate aforementioned.
Sadly, I totally froze and could only name two. Needless to say, I hung my head very low in nerd-shame for the rest of the evening. Very, very low.
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